If you have ever wondered why I do what I do, then wonder no more. In preparation for the evening, I was interviewed by someone at Pursue and you can read it here
The evening was described as follows:
Meet the Change with Jenni Wolfson: What Happens Next is Up to You! (Click here for more info)

She speaks truth to power – on stage, in the field (from Haiti to Rwanda), and from her desk. When it comes to “fighting baddies,” you’ll want her in your corner.
Click here to see photos of the event.
It was a great audience. The folks asked lots of questions, and even the guy behind the bar asked a question! Then Audrey Sasson who heads up Pursue let a fun networking activity. I have since heard from almost half the audience which I think is a great sign that we achieved one of the goals of the evening - to encourage networking! If you want a more objective overview of the evening, read the Pursue blog post.